Why there is a need for a broader view of food and nutrition With just. I have a dual mission. I want to give babies the best possible start and assist families. On the one hand, I do that by offering healthy family food: pure, organic food with lots of vegetables and...
BioGezond is een infoblad over gezond leven. Wij delen hier de meest interessante en relevante artikels.
BioGezond is a magazine about healthy life. We share here the most interesting and relevant articles from this magazine.
Bekijk de blogs van deze auteur
Healthy food: more than what’s on your plate
Recently I was a guest in Kristien Wollants' podcast Radio Mama. Kristien invited me to explain the importance of healthy nutrition in childhood. Anyone who has already listened to the episode* knows that I like to put healthy food in a broad perspective - and I do...
The new European organic legislation
Ensures consumer trust The new European organic legislation has been in force in our country since 1 January 2022. This whole strives to harmonize the rules for the organic agricultural sector, to prevent fraud and to strengthen consumer trust. For example, all...